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Call announcements

Announcement dated December 03, 2024 of the Open Call for Proposals for the selection of Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute   

Date of publication: 12/03/2024

The Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development as the Managing Entity for the Virtual Research Institute Programme informs about the Announcement dated December 03, 2024 of the Open Call for Proposals for the selection of Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute in the field of medical biotechnology.

Link to the announcement:  Announcement dated December 03, 2024 of the Open Call for Proposals for the selection of Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute

Competition documents (Polish):

Rules and Regulations of the Call for Proposals for the selection of Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of a Virtual Research Institute (link)

Appendices to the Regulations of the Competition (links):

I. Template of the Application for funding a Research Team by the Polish Science Fund along with appendices and filling instructions:

  1. Application for funding – template (link).PDF
  2. Application for funding editable version EN (link).DOCX
  3. Wzór Wniosku o finansowanie Zespołu Badawczego ze środków Funduszu Polskiej Nauki (link).PDF
  4. Wzór Wniosku o finansowanie Zespołu Badawczego ze środków Funduszu   Polskiej Nauki (link).DOCX- wersja edytowalna
  5. C. 2 Costs estimation of the Research Task part C.2 of the Application for funding PL/ENG. PDF
  6. C.2 Costs estimation of the Research Task part C.2 of the Application for funding PL/ENG. XLSX
  1. Instructions for completing the Application for funding a Research Team by the Polish Science Fund (link)


  1. Wzory oświadczeń do wniosku o finansowanie:

· Oświadczenie osoby kierującej podmiotem, w którym działalność naukową prowadzi Lider/Członek Zespołu Badawczego o wiedzy i zgodzie na udział osoby w Zespole Badawczym w formie Wirtualnego Instytutu Badawczego (wzór 1.6) (link) 

· Oświadczenie Członka Zespołu Badawczego o zgodzie na udział w Zespole Badawczym (wzór 1.7) (link)

Declaration by the Research Team Member that they agree to participate in the Research Team_(template_1.7) (link)

·  Oświadczenie o upoważnieniu do reprezentowania Zespołu Badawczego w ramach Wirtualnego Instytutu Badawczego (wzór 1.8) (link)

· Oświadczenie osoby kierującej podmiotem, w którym działalność naukową prowadzi Lider/Członek Zespołu Badawczego w zakresie spełnienia kryteriów podmiotu uprawnionego, finansowania Zadania Badawczego w obszarze działalności niegospodarczej oraz braku pomocy publicznej i pomocy de minimis. (wzór 1.9) (link)

· Oświadczenie osoby kierującej podmiotem, w którym działalność naukową prowadzi Lider/Członek Zespołu Badawczego o podatku od towarów i usług (VAT). (wzór 1.10) (link)

· Oświadczenie osoby kierującej podmiotem, w którym działalność naukową prowadzi Lider/Członek Zespołu Badawczego o przygotowaniu i realizacji Zadania Badawczego. (wzór 1.11) (link)

· Zbiór pozostałych oświadczeń do Wniosku o finansowanie osoby kierującej Podmiotem, w którym działalność prowadzi Lider/Członek Zespołu Badawczego (wzór 1.12) (link)

·Oświadczenie Członka Zespołu Badawczego dot. praw Własności intelektualnej (załącznik nr 1 do Regulaminu Zarządzania i Komercjalizacji Własności Intelektualnej) (link)

Declaration of the Research Team Member on Intellectual Property Rights (template_Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations on Management and Commercialisation of Intellectual Property) (link)


II. Kryteria wyłaniania Zespołów Badawczych prowadzących działalność naukową w formie Wirtualnego Instytutu Badawczego do finansowania ze środków Funduszu Polskiej Nauki

Criteria for the selection of Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute financed by the Polish Science Fund (link)

III. Zasady bezstronności, obiektywizmu, poufności oraz unikania konfliktu interesów

Principles of impartiality, objectivity, confidentiality and the avoidance of conflict of interest in the Virtual Research Institute under the Polish Science Fund (link)


IV.  Experts Panel presentation- template (link)

V.  Wzór Umowy o finansowanie Zespołu Badawczego ze środków Funduszu Polskiej Nauki (link)

Załączniki do umowy o finansowanie:

  1. Załącznik nr 3 – Wzór Raportu Okresowego/Końcowego:
  1. Załącznik nr 4– Wzór Wniosku o płatność dla Jednostki Naukowej (link)
  2. Załączniki nr 7 – Wzór Oświadczenia Członka Zespołu Badawczego o zgodzie na udział w Zespole Badawczym (link)
  3. Załącznik nr 8 – Wzór Oświadczenia osoby kierującej podmiotem, w którym działalność prowadzi Lider/Członek Zespołu o wiedzy i zgodzie na udział osoby w Zespole w formie WIB (link)
  4. Załącznik nr 10– Sposób i zakres prowadzenia nadzoru nad realizacją Zadań Badawczych (link)
  5. Załącznik nr 11– Wzór weksla i deklaracji wekslowej (link)
  6. Załącznik nr 12– Klauzula informacyjna o przetwarzaniu danych osobowych przez Podmiot Zarządzający (link)


VI.  Ogólne zasady kwalifikowalności wydatków Zespołów Badawczych prowadzących działalność naukową w formie Wirtualnego Instytutu Badawczego

General eligibility rules for expenditures of Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute (link, document valid from 02/11/2025)

Important:  Appendix 6. General rules for eligibility of expenditures of Research Teams on 02/11/2025 has been updated in Chapter IV. Settlement of eligible costs, where in the last paragraph of the chapter a provision on the issue of income in the project was added.

VII. Standardy rekrutacji do Zespołów Badawczych w ramach Wirtualnego Instytutu Badawczego oraz przeprowadzanie ewaluacji ich stosowania (link)

VIII. Regulamin zarządzania i komercjalizacji Własności Intelektualnej wraz z załącznikami  (link)

Regulations on the Management and Commercialisation of Intellectual Property (link)

  1. App. 1_template_Declaration of the Research Team Member on Intellectual Property Rights
  2. Intellectual Property Form
  3. Oświadczenie Jednostki Naukowej o przeniesieniu na Skarb Państwa WI (link)


IX.   Zakres przedmiotowy Umowy Konsorcjum (link)


Announcement dated July 10, 2023 of the Open Call for Proposals for the selection of Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute   

Date of publication: 10/07/2023

The Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development as the Managing Entity for the Virtual Research Institute Programme informs about the Announcement dated July 10, 2023 of the Open Call for Proposals for the selection of Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute in the field of medical biotechnology.

Link to the announcement:  Announcement dated July 10, 2023 of the Open Call for Proposals for the selection of Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute


Communication of the Managing Entity on the estimated date for the conclusion of the Competition

Date of publication: 30/03/2023

In accordance with § 11 (2) of Regulations of the Competition to select Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute we would like to inform that the date of announcing the Competition results is planned for April 2023.

Communication of Director of the Łukasiewicz Institute – PORT, acting as the Managing Entity, is published below

Communication of Managing Entity from March 30th, 2023


Summary information on the total number of applications

Date of publication: 06/10/2022

On September 30th, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. the deadline for submitting applications for funding research teams conducting scientific activity in the form of the Virtual Research Institute (WIB) has expired. Below, in the PDF file (in Polish), we provide a communication from the Managing Entity containing a summary information on the total number of applications for funding and the total amount of funds for which the applications for funding are submitted.

Communication from the Managing Entity containing a summary information on the total number of applications for funding and the total amount of funds for which the applications for funding are submitted (link to PDF)

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of the Competition, submitted applications for funding are first of all subjected to formal evaluation, which is carried out by the Managing Entity on the basis of the Criteria for the selection of Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute for funding by the Polish Science Fund, constituting Annex 2 to the Regulations of the Competition.


Announcement from March 10th, 2022 of an Open Call for Proposals to select Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute    

Date of publication: 10/03/2022

The Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development as the Managing Entity for the Virtual Research Institute Programme informs about the Announcement from March 10th, 2022 of an Open Call for Proposals to select Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute in the field of medical biotechnology – oncology.

Link to the announcement:  Announcement from March 10th, 2022 of an Open Call for Proposals to select Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute    



Communication of the Managing Entity on the estimated date for the conclusion of the Competition

Date of publication: 28/09/2021

In accordance with § 11 (2) of Regulations of the Competition to select Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute we would like to inform that the date of announcing the Competition results is planned for October 2021. Communication of Director of the Łukasiewicz Institute – PORT, acting as the Managing Entity, is published below

Communication of Managing Entity from Sept 28th, 2021


Communication of the Managing Entity on the estimated date for the conclusion of the Competition

Date of publication: 27/08/2021

In accordance with § 11 (2) of Regulations of the Competition to select Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute we would like to inform that the date of announcing the Competition results is planned for September 2021. Communication of Director of the Łukasiewicz Institute – PORT, acting as the Managing Entity, is published below.

Communication of Managing Entity from Aug 27th, 2021


Extension of formal evaluation stage

Date of publication: 21/04/2021

We inform that stage of formal evaluation of applications is extended until May 14th this year. Communication of Director of the Łukasiewicz Institute – PORT, acting as the Managing Entity, is published below.

Communication of Director of the Łukasiewicz Institute – PORT (link)


Communication from the Managing Entity containing a summary information on the total number of applications for funding and the total amount of funds for which the applications for funding are submitted

Date of publication: 15/03/2021

On March 12th, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. the deadline for submitting applications for funding research teams conducting scientific activity in the form of the Virtual Research Institute (WIB) has expired. Below, in the PDF file (in Polish), we provide a communication from the Managing Entity containing a summary information on the total number of applications for funding and the total amount of funds for which the applications for funding are submitted.

Communication from the Managing Entity containing a summary information on the total number of applications for funding and the total amount of funds for which the applications for funding are submitted (link to PDF)

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of the Competition, submitted applications for funding are first of all subjected to formal evaluation, which is carried out by the Managing Entity on the basis of the Criteria for the selection of Research Teams conducting scientific activities in the form of the Virtual Research Institute for funding by the Polish Science Fund, constituting Annex 2 to the Regulations of the Competition.


Announcement about an open competition for offers to select Research Teams conducting scientific activity in the form of the Virtual Research Institute

Date of publication: 30/11/2020

The Łukasiewicz Research Network PORT Polish Center for Technology Development as the managing entity for the program Virtual Research Institute informs about the announcement of an open competition of offers to select research teams conducting scientific activity in the form of Virtual Research Institute in the field of medical biotechnology – oncology.

Link to the announcement: Announcement of 30/11/2020 about an open competition for offers to select Research Teams conducting scientific activity in the form of the Virtual Research Institute (Polish language)